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Memory Expert Experiences Protocol Treatment for Memory Conditions

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Memory Expert Experiences Protocol Treatment for Memory Conditions

March 19
18:28 2024
The combination of NAD Infusions with Hyperbaric Oxygen benefits both the body and the brain.

Denver, CO, USA – March 19, 2024 – After experiencing memory loss due to exposure to pesticides, paints, lacquers, and mold from apartments she resided in while in Los Angeles, Vicki Mizel created a protocol utilizing a combination of methods known to aid in brain and body healing, as well as memory retention. While each treatment individually is commonly known and practiced, Mizel found significant healing when she combined NAD infusions with Hyperbaric Oxygen. She has since become an advocate, sharing how NAD infusions, hyperbaric oxygen, and memory training can help those grappling with severe memory issues.

NAD infusion therapy provides the body with an energy boost and prepares it to cope with stress and fatigue. Intravenous NAD administration optimizes muscle energy levels, combating fatigue and exhaustion. Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment enhances autonomic nervous system function and increases general fluid dynamics and blood flow.

Vicki Mizel, known to those she has assisted as a Memory Maven, has taught and trained in memory techniques for thirty-three years. Now in her 60s, Vicki has recovered from two brain injuries resulting from severe life-threatening accidents – a car accident in 1999 and being struck as a pedestrian in 2016. Despite facing numerous physical injuries, Mizel managed to reclaim her cognitive abilities, even when she believed she was suffering from ‘chemical dementia’ due to exposure to pesticides, paints, lacquers, and mold from her Los Angeles apartments.

“When you hear about someone with a serious brain condition, like Brue Willis stepping away from his career I contemplate how a combination of treatments could assist him, as it did for myself,” says Mizel. “I wonder what if this condition could be better with memory training, brain nutrition, and oxygen? I care about Bruce Willis and his family, I think the same protocol I used, could potentially help.”

As a memory expert of over 30 years, Mizel prioritizes maintaining optimal brain health. She abstains from alcohol and non-prescription drugs and relies on natural tonics and treatments to recover from breast cancer surgery, two separate car accidents, and chemical poisoning from exposure to pesticides and molds. Even her cats were exposed and poisoned.

Mizel sought treatment for her pets from a functional medicine vet, Dr. Audra MacCorkle, DVM, who administered daily IV drips of NAD, Glutathione, and Vitamin C for five consecutive days, along with enema treatments. “Dr. Audra said she could smell the chemicals coming out of them. Their fur smelled like chemicals, too,” says Mizel. Following their daily treatment, Mizel took her cats to a Pasadena vet for hyperbaric oxygen therapy in an animal hyperbaric chamber, repeating this process daily for five days. Fortunately, the cats survived.

Concerned for her own health and believing she needed similar treatments to her cats, Mizel conducted research and located several doctors in the LA area. Dr. Allen Green in Santa Monica, CA treated Mizel for five consecutive days with 1000 units of NAD daily for a week and three days the following week. In addition, Mizel underwent hyperbaric oxygen treatment four times following the NAD treatments. During the hyperbaric oxygen treatments, she practiced her memory system. “Initially, I was slow and couldn’t memorize a long list of items. I had to adjust my approach and focus on only a few items at a time. I visualized a tangible item starting with each letter of the alphabet.”

Mizel began with “A” for Ape recalling Koko the Gorilla who knew sign language. Initially, her thoughts were hazy, but she gradually envisioned a bee for “B”, picturing Koko gently handling the bee on her finger and then imagining the bee eating a cookie. “The images were initially blurry, but with continued practice, they became clearer. I could discern the facial expressions of Koko and imagine her curiosity about the bee. I added more letters and words as I improved.”

Following the NAD treatments, Mizel underwent professional colonics, detox footbaths, and infrared saunas. “Within two and a half weeks I regained my cognitive abilities. I could write and think clearly again. I relocated myself and my animals to Gold Beach, Oregon, away from any lacquers, paints, or pesticides, to provide my body with an opportunity to heal. I continued the infrared saunas and detox footbaths at least four days a week for a year.”

Mizel became intrigued by how the combination of NAD, oxygen, memory training, and detox treatments facilitated her recovery. She began to ponder if this approach could benefit individuals with dementia, Alzheimer’s, brain injury, and chemical poisoning. “Most traditional doctors are unfamiliar with these treatments and can only recommend treatments that have been extensively researched and tested in control studies. My experience was experimental, as I served as the guinea pig, yet it proved effective. What’s even more remarkable is this memory method induces electrical stimulation in the brain, leading to new neural branch growth and improved cognitive function.”

Recognizing the efficacy of combining memory training, brain nutrition, oxygen, and detox modalities in her own recovery, Mizel wonders if this approach could benefit individuals like Bruce Willis. “What if we provided him with IV nutrition like NAD, employed Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy, and incorporated memory training stimulation? Could this improve Bruce Willis’s condition? I would like to explore this possibility. Just as Christopher Reeve contributed significantly to the advancement of spinal cord injury treatment, perhaps utilizing the multiple modalities could revolutionize the memory condition treatments and assist more individuals.”

About Vicki Mizel

Trained as an educator, psychologist, actor, and public speaker, Vicki Mizel has been teaching her Brain Sprouts Memory System since 1983. This memory method, known to enhance neuroconnectivity, neural regeneration, and brain activity with time and practice, has benefitted individuals ranging from school children and university students to CEOs of companies, and actors, as well as those suffering from brain injury, dementia, and Alzheimer’s.


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